Farm Community Estate Covenant

To ensure a quality living experience, all tenants, residents, and guests must adhere to the terms and conditions outlined below. By becoming a tenant, you agree to these terms. Any changes will be communicated in writing and take effect on the next tier renewal date or 30 days from notification, whichever comes first. Continued use or possession of the region after the effective date signifies acceptance of the updated covenant.

◄► Covenant Sections ◄►

  • 1) General Description of Farm Community Regions
  • 2) Zoning and Use Restrictions
  • 3) Tier Fees
  • 4) VAT and Other Taxes
  • 5) Ownership, Transfer, and Parcel Management
  • 6) Group Membership and Communication
  • 7) Weather Systems
  • 8) Restricted Structures or Activities
  • 9) Resource Usage, Region Performance and Lag Management
  • 10) Parcel Access, Security, and Privacy
  • 11) Terraforming, Architecture, and Style
  • 12) Region Maturity Rating: Mature Content vs. Adult Content
  • 13) Enforcement
  • 14) Legal
  • 15) Contact Information


• (A) Farm Community Regions are properties within Dream Seeker Estates that are either directly adjacent to other regions or have multiple residents leasing or renting land. These areas are designated for residential and breedable specific commerce.

• (B) Heavy commercial activities unrelated to breedables are prohibited within farm community regions to ensure a pleasant living environment for all.


• (A) Residential and Breedable specific Commerce:
(i) This land is primarily zoned for residential use but may allow commercial activities specific to breedables with restrictions. Breedable auctions are allowed but should not be the primary focus of the parcel.
(ii) Prohibited Activities: Clubs, casinos, yard sales, high-traffic and high-script commerce, or large commercial establishments (such as shopping centers or multi-store operations) are not allowed without explicit permission from estate management.
• (B) Commercial Activity Restrictions:
(i) Businesses must be designed to integrate with the region's aesthetic and should not disrupt the overall region’s atmosphere.
(ii) Businesses must be specific to breedables.

━━━► 3 TIER FEES ◄━━━

(i) The current price or tier for your lease, which will remain in effect throughout the lease term unless explicitly updated and communicated to you (see Fee Changes below), can be found at

(i) Tier fees are due immediately upon purchase.
(ii) Payments can be made in Linden currency via an in-world rental box or in USD via PayPal.

(i) Tier fees are non-refundable.
(ii) Exceptions, if any, will be at the sole discretion of Dream Seeker Estates.

(i) Overdue fees will result in land being immediately reclaimed by management.
(ii) The region may be resold or removed from the grid without further warning.

(i) You do not need to have a premium account to own land in Dream Seeker Estates.
(ii) The land you own in Dream Seeker Estates will not contribute to your land tier obligations to Linden Labs.
(iii) Linden Labs will not be charging you tier fees.

(i) Dream Seeker Estates reserves the right to adjust tier or rental fees with advance notice.
(ii) Changes will take effect on the next payment date.


• (A) Dream Seeker Estates and Linden Labs will not charge VAT or other taxes on top of the land purchase fee or the monthly tier fees spent towards your land in Dream Seeker Estates.


• (A) Ownership:
(i) One individual is designated as the responsible party for paying tier fees, only this individual is recognized as the owner of the parcel, regardless of who purchased the parcel, who is listed as the parcel or group owner.
(ii) Estate residents are fully responsible for the actions of their guests, visitors, tenants, and clients.

• (B) Land Resale or Transfer:
(i) All sales or transfers must be reported to Dream Seeker Estates to transfer parcel ownership in our records to the new owner.
(ii) Unreported sales will be treated as sub-rentals, and the original owner remains responsible for tier payments.
(iii) Upon sale or transfer, any prepaid tier fees will be credited towards the new tenant’s tier. Excessive transfers may result in the transfer being voided.
(iv) The new tenant is required to make a payment at the time of transfer. This step is to ensure that the new tenant understands and accepts their obligations and the payment process moving forward.
(v) Land sales must reflect the original parcel configuration (size/shape).


• (A) Maintaining active membership in the Dream Seeker Estates group is essential for all tenants.

• (B) The group serves as the primary communication channel for Estate management to provide important updates, rules, and information related to the Estate.


• (A) Weather systems in Second Life are designed to create a variety of weather conditions across expansive areas:
(i) Weather effects must be confined within the boundaries of the land parcel.
(ii) Weather systems are only permitted on parcels that are 16,384 sq m or larger in size.


• (A) Auction Houses are allowed.

• (B) High-Traffic Establishments
Prohibited Locations: Dance clubs, casinos, yard sales, and large multi-store shopping centers are not allowed unless explicitly approved by Dream Seeker Estates management.
Permitted Locations: Small, private dance floors are allowed, provided they do not create excessive traffic or disturbances.

• (C) Camping Areas
(i) Prohibited: Camping areas, used to artificially increase traffic, are strictly prohibited on any parcel within Dream Seeker Estates. Violations may result in removal of the camping feature and further penalties.

• (D) Combat Zones
(i) Prohibited Zones: Designating a parcel as a combat zone is prohibited.
(ii) Weapon Testing: Residents may test weapons on their land, but it must be done in a manner that does not disturb neighbors or visitors.
(iii) Damage: All combat-related damage is universally turned off across Dream Seeker Estates regions to ensure a peaceful environment for all residents.

• (E) Griefing
(i) Prohibited Behavior: Griefing, or intentionally harassing or disturbing neighbors, is strictly forbidden.
(ii) Consequences: Violators may have their land reclaimed immediately and face permanent banishment from Dream Seeker Estates.

• (F) Respect for Private Property
(i) Travel Rights: While residents and visitors are free to travel throughout the estate, they must respect private properties and refrain from trespassing.
(ii) Expected Conduct: All residents and visitors are expected to treat others' properties with the same respect and courtesy as they would in the real world.

• (H) Prohibited Structures or Activities
(i) Prohibited Structures:
(1) Floating structures of any kind are not permitted below 300 meters.
(a) This includes, but is not limited to:
(i) For Sale signs
(ii) Billboards
(ii) General Restrictions:
(1) Any activity or structure prohibited on the Mainland is also prohibited within Dream Seeker Estates.
(a) This includes, but is not limited to:
(i) Yard sales
(ii) Ad farms


★ ★ ★ To ensure a smooth experience for all residents, lag across the estate is actively monitored, and the management team addresses lag complaints promptly to maintain optimal region performance. By following these guidelines, you help maintain a stable and enjoyable environment for all residents, ensuring smooth region performance throughout Dream Seeker Estates. ★ ★ ★

• (A) Region Capacity:
(i) As per Linden Labs’ recommendations, a Full Prim Region reaches capacity at 60 avatars. Exceeding this number can negatively impact region performance.
(ii) Performance can be somewhat mitigated by disabling scripts.
(iii) Farm Community Regions in Dream Seeker allow up to 80 avatars.
(1) This limit should only be utilized for rare events. Residents hosting events must take steps to minimize the performance impact.

• (B) Fair Resource Usage
(i) Avatar capacity is determined by parcel size. Exceeding the allowed avatar capacity may result in enforcement action.
(1) Below is a guideline:
  • 65,536 sq.m = 60 avatars
  • 32,768 sq.m = 30 avatars
  • 16,384 sq.m = 15 avatars
  • 8,192 sq.m = 8 avatars
  • 4,096 sq.m = 4 avatars
  • 1,024 sq.m = 2 avatars
(ii) Parties or events are allowed; however, if a 4096 sqm parcel hosts 40 avatars for an event, the parcel should remain mostly empty for the remainder of the week to ensure fair resource distribution.
(1) Residents should avoid creating situations where a small parcel, like a popular club, consistently consumes the majority of the region's resources. If you expect to have 40 avatars present regularly, a 1/2 region parcel is required.

• (C) Script Usage
(i) Avoid using lag-intensive scripts. Use only necessary scripts that suit your living style while being mindful of region performance.
(ii) If region performance drops below 40 FPS, you may be asked to adjust scripts or objects to restore manageable performance.

• (D) Textures and Particles
(i) Textures and particle effects can cause client-side lag. Large textures, in particular, are demanding on the client’s CPU and video card.
(ii) Consider minimizing texture complexity and avoid excessive particle effects. If running a business, consider building in the sky to prevent neighbors from downloading your textures.

• (E) Physics
(i) Physics-based objects can strain the region’s CPU, especially when in constant contact, causing frequent collisions.
(ii) Limit the use of physical objects and collisions on your parcel.

• (F) Script Time and Collision Management
(i) Full Prim regions should keep script time below 15ms, and Homesteads should aim for 4ms or less.
(ii) For an 8192m² Full Prim parcel, the script time allocation is 1.8ms, with additional allowances if the region has a prim bonus.
(iii) Minimize collisions caused by animals by turning off their movement and animations when not needed.


• (A) Sound and Voice
(i) Limit sound and voice to your parcel out of respect for neighbors. If voice is enabled, check "Restrict Voice to this Parcel" in the Media Configuration window. Also, enable "Restrict Gesture and Object Sounds to this Parcel."

• (B) Public Chat Message Guidelines:
(i) Public chat messages from greeters and other scripted objects should be limited in range and positioned within the parcel to prevent them from extending to neighboring parcels.
(ii) Ensure that messages do not interfere with the operations or activities of neighboring properties.

• (C) Access Management and Global Bans
(i) You are responsible for parcel access.
(ii) Use the parcel access tools such as:
(1) Global bans.
(2) Group-only access.

• (D) Security Orbs
(i) Security Orbs are allowed but should not extend beyond your parcel.
(ii) Ensure that messages do not interfere with the operations or activities of neighboring properties.
(iii) If you need a security orb, contact us to receive one for free.

• (E) Recommended Security Settings
(i) For optimal security and to prevent griefing, use these settings in 'About Land -> Options':
(1) Turn Off: Edit Terrain, Build, Object Entry – for "Everyone"
(2) Turn On: Safe (no damage), Restrict Pushing
(3) These measures are in place to maintain security, privacy, and a respectful environment for all residents of Dream Seeker Estates.


★ ★ ★ Architecture and landscaping must match the regional theme. When in doubt, consult estate management. Temporary exceptions may be allowed for special occasions. ★ ★ ★

• (A) Castles
(i) Permitted only in the mountain regions, but must follow the same rules/restrictions as all other structures in the region. Exceptions require estate management approval.

• (B) Terraforming:
(i) Land can be terraformed. Please contact us if you need assistance with the limits in place for terraforming within the region.
(ii) Editing terrain within 10m of the parcel boundary requires estate management approval and may require assistance. Terrain should connect naturally between parcels.

• (C) Structure Placement:
(i) On Flat (without Mountains or Walls) Regions: Structures must be placed at least as far from the parcel edge as their height (e.g., a 50 m tower must be at least 50 m from the boundary).
(1) This rule does not apply to regions that estate management has created with mountains or walls separating the parcels.
(ii) Property Line Violations:
(1) Objects crossing property lines may be returned without warning.
(2) Respect your neighbors' space and ensure no objects extend onto their parcel. (Enable property lines with World → Show → Property Lines or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P)

• (D) Parcel Wall Guidelines:
(i) Parcel walls are permitted only under the following conditions:
(1) Pre Existing walls, trees, or other barriers placed by estate management.
(2) Terrain mountains, where the wall does not extend above the natural mountain terrain.
(ii) In all cases, parcel walls must adhere to these requirements:
(1) Not negatively impact neighboring parcels.
(2) Not detract from the aesthetic appeal of the region.
(3) Not exceed the height of existing estate-approved walls.
(4) Not extend more than 20 meters above the water table (except in regions with terrain mountains).


★ ★ ★ Region Ratings: Defined by the region settings. ★ ★ ★

• (A) Adult-rated Regions:
(i) Allow content and activities classified as adult by Linden Lab, including explicit sexual content, graphic violence, and mature themes.
(ii) Access restricted to age-verified users, ensuring compliance with Linden Lab's guidelines for adult content.
(iii) Per Linden Labs guidelines, Child avatars are NOT allowed on Adult Rated regions. For more details, please refer to -

• (B) Mature-rated Regions:
(i) Permit adult themes like suggestive content or mild violence, but exclude explicit sexual acts and extreme graphic violence.
(ii) Accessible to all users, intended for mature audiences.

━━━► 13 ENFORCEMENT ◄━━━

• (A) Management Authority:
(i) Dream Seeker Estates management has the final authority in disputes.
(ii) Dream Seeker Estates can remove structures or take necessary action to maintain the region's atmosphere and performance.

• (B) Hostile Actions:
(i) Hostile actions, including threats or activities intended to cause financial harm to Dream Seeker Estates, its partner estates, or officers, will result in immediate land reclamation without refund.
(ii) Offenders will be muted, banned from affiliated estates, and reported to Linden Lab.

━━━► 14 LEGAL ◄━━━

• (A) Consent:
(i) By starting a new lease with us, you agree to receive communications related to our services and updates about new offerings that may be of interest to you in the future.
(ii) Your consent to receive promotional information will remain in effect even after your lease concludes.
(iii) Should you wish to discontinue such communications after your lease has ended, you may do so by notifying us.

• (B) Compliance:
(i) Residents must fully adhere to the Second Life Terms of Service (TOS).
(ii) Residents are required to comply with: Laws and regulations of their place of residence and current location, applicable legislation governing Linden Lab and Canadian federal and Alberta provincial laws.

• (C) Liability:
(i) Dream Seeker Estates or any officer shall not be held responsible for direct or indirect losses, including lost or returned objects, for any reason.

• (D) Dispute Resolution:
(i) Disputes will be resolved in accordance with the laws of the province of Alberta, Canada.


• (A) Website:
• (B) In-World:
• (C) For more details or inquiries, visit our website at